: Philadelphia

Schuylkill Valley Model RR Club (HO)


The Schuylkill Valley Model Railroad Club started in 1968, and held its first open house in 1975 and then every year thereafter. The Schuylkill Valley Railroad has a prototypical theme, being modeled after the Reading’s main line from Philadelphia to Reading with many of the towns along that route. There are several points of animation … More...

Jerry Powell – PRR/Reading (HO)


Jerry’s freelance layout modeling the Reading and Pennsy is located in his 28′ x 40′ basement. It is a loop-to-loop design with 40′ radius curves so he can run large steam equipment. His scenery is in a near complete state. Jerry said he has about ten scale miles of mainline and a branch line 2 1/2 scale miles long. … More...

Sam Parker – Knowlton & Northley (HOn30/HO)


This railroad represents an era from 1930 to 1950. It is a rural, narrow-gauge railroad with a small, standard gauge interchange. The geography is eastern PA with a good deal of bay and river waterfront. Extremely well crafted scenery including: structures, waterfront, boats, bridges and a great deal of detail.… More...

Ken McCorry – PRR (HO)


Club-sized layout in a specially-built barn. Diesel and Electric motive power from the late ’70s, run over ex-PC/PRR track in the Harrisburg area and over the Buffalo line. Layout articles in April, ’99 and December, ’04 Model Railroader.More...

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