: Philadelphia

Hal & Pat Godwin (N)


Sadly Hal passed away in 2011. He was a member of the Philadelphia Division for many years. Confined to a wheelchair for most of his life, Hal built this impressive, freelanced N scale layout in the attic of his home with his wife Pat. The curved trestle was scratchbuilt by Hal. Most of the buildings were put together and painted by Pat. … More...

Jim Maurer – Reading / Lehigh Valley Transit (HO)


1940s Philadelphia with open yard (flat) & traction line. Steam, first generation diesel, and electric; PRR & Reading. In a separate building, that is railroad station style dedicated to railroad use. Digitrax DCC operated, in two rooms, one 12′ x 15′ and one 12′ x 9′ ” which totals the 12′ x 24′. … More...
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